Photography Assignment 2

The Anti-Self Portrait

Take 30+ pictures representing your ANTI-identity. These images should speak about the way you are perceived by others that are not representative of who you truly are. You may want to tackle some stereotypes regarding gender, your culture, your age, your group, etc. This is an opportunity to speak out against incorrect perceptions others may have of you.

* Please visit our Flickr Set and Flickr Group using the links on the right to view some inspirational photographs and to post your final images.

These images will be narrowed down to your best two images for consideration in the Images of Self exhibition at The Light Factory Contemporary Museum of Photography and Film. Images will be juried by professionals in photography. The best of the best will be on display in our museum from February through April 2011.

Tips for Shooting:
  • Consider stereotypes geared towards your personal profile. Choose at least one to react against in your portrait.
  • You may incorporate props representative of these beliefs. (magazine advertisements, certain costumes or props, etc.)
  • You may include text if needed to speak out against these stereotypes. Look at the interesting ways other photographers incorporated text in the blog.
  • Take your body gesture and face into consideration. (Are you angry, sad, content, etc)Make sure your stance aligns with your message.
  • You may ask a friend to assist in shooting the pictures for you but do direct the image creation as the artist. You may also use a self timer.
  • Consider environment in comparison to your message. Where should you be to make this statement? Do you need to be anywhere in particular or would a backdrop be best?
  • Consider your physical appearance. What should you wear, what you do with your body/face, should you by small or large in the frame, should you focus on a part of you rather than the whole you?
  • Consider the examples on the Flickr set and how other artists have represented themselves in front of the camera. Take note of the kinds of images you were drawn to and see if you can incorporate what you liked into some of your own images.
  • The options are endless so give this your best shot. Remember, this is all about you and the objective is to create an image that encapsulates who you are NOT. This is a chance to speak out about stereotypes.